
Saturday, October 9, 2010

SYTYCD Tour 2010, and Some Exclusive Clip Art Pictures!

So everyone, this has been (Surprisingly) quite an exciting week!  And that's all because, me, my mom, my dad, and my brother all went to the...

(And in case you are an alien and never seen So You Think You Can Dance, its an AH-MAZING dance competition on T.V, and every year, after the winner has been selected, the last 7 dancers on the show, and this year, some 'All-Stars' (Previous winners and contestants from previous seasons) have this national tour and they travel all over America and perform some popular and impressive routines from that season and some new dance routines created just for the tour!!!!)

Anyway, before I start describing the AH-MAZING show, let me just tell you guys that this is the first year that my family watches SYTYCD. (So You Think You- yeah ok, you get it) We've been an American Idol and The Biggest Loser family for awhile now, so I guess it was only a matter of time before we got into the dancing reality TV shows as well. I don't exactly remember how we started watching it...did my parents hear about it on the radio, or did we accidentally fall on it while flipping through channels? Either way, we watched a few auditions and some of Hollywood Week (that's actually American Idol, but I can't remember what it's called for SYTYCD :P) and then there was a period where we weren't watching it anymore. In that time, a lot of dancers were eliminated, and by the time we started watching again, the people that were left were the really really good ones.  And let me just say, the dancers this year, were really REALLY good. Like, we're talking practically professional here. Anyway, the show really is great, and I'm really glad we started watching it. So when the show started advertising the Tour, my family was like:

And yes, they did turn green.

and I was like:

This is me peeing on myself, by the way.

So the buying of tickets and driving to Baltimore an hour away last Tuesday night commenced! We ate glorious subway sandwiches while crazies on the street scared the poop out of me, and then we went into the arena called the Marina? (I think that's what it was called...) Anyway, the show was really really cool, and we had great seats. We were on an elevated bleacher type thing, but we were the very second row from the bottom, which meant we could see perfectly, even if we were a bit far back. The lighting and the music and the dances were awesome. It was so cool to see all the contestants you see on TV in person! Unfortunately, as usual, I was CameraWoman, so I might have viewed most of the show through my Kodak screen, but, such are the prices we pay when pictures must be taken. And taken they were! I hope to show them to all of you sometime. Basically, I really enjoyed myself, and the rest of my family did too. I can't wait for next season!

As for the rest of the

Well, I got sick, if that counts.


PS- If you are interested in this year's American SYTYCD, go to , for some interviews with the contestants and pictures and episodes from this season (Which I highly suggest you do, if you would like to see for yourself just how AH-MAZING these dancers are!)

Sunday, October 3, 2010

The TJ Forecast...and lots of Packet Thingys

I forgot to mention in the last post that TJ is like, an hour away from my house, not including traffic, which means by the time we got there it was 11.  (I also said in the last post that the Open House ended at 11. My mistake, it ended at 11:30) So basically we had 30 minutes to 'explore' this massive high school. 
The good thing about being late (there hardly ever IS anything good about it) was that the crowds had left and it was a lot easier to move in and out of classrooms and hallways without having to compete with hundreds of other people.  Now, let me see if I can sum up the Open House, and the whole deal-io about this TJ thing as simply as I can.
"Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology (TJHSST) is a unique Fairfax County public school that provides an innovative, specialized learning environment for highly motivated students who have a genuine interest in biological, physical, mathematical, technological, and computer sciences." That was taken from the Information Packet Book Thingy I got from my guidance counselor on Tuesday.  So Thomas Jefferson is a really academic school for really academic, or 'highly motivated' students.  Therefore, you have to apply and take an admissions test to be accepted into the school, so that not just any kid can get in.  But that doesn't mean they don't try. 3,000 kids apply almost every year, and only 18% of them are accepted.  To be accepted into the Semifinalists, they look at:

~Your grade point average from 7th grade and first and second quarter grades from 8th grade math and science
~Your Admissions Test score

If you are in the Semifinalist group, you are notified in January.  Then you are sent another Application Packet Thingy where you have to get teacher recommendations and complete a Student Information Sheet.  During the first admissions test (which is taken this December) you also have an hour where you have to write 2 essays.  They will evaluate the semifinalist essays at this time too.

Annnnnd then, they let you know if you have actually been accepted into the school in April.  So, why go through allllllll that work if I have a perfectly good high school available for me, no application necessary? Well, for starters, the whole fact that you have to be accepted based on your intelligence and achievements in school makes me think, hey, me intelligent! Me achieve in school! Secondly, this school is also really cool for people who can't stand average public school. (hence, me) TJ offers a 'comprehensive college preparatory program with additional required courses in science, mathematics, and technology." (Translation: umm, I think something to do with preparing you for college. Which is a thumbs up!) it also has "..Integrated and collaborative courses and its thirteen specialized research laboratories" (Translation: The school has specialized research labs. What's not cool about that?) Also, since not any average joe can go to this high school, you would also expect that all those idiots I have to deal with every single day will no longer be a problem. There is more expected of you and you'll probably work a bit harder, but you are also (probably) allowed more independence and trust since you are a 'highly motivated' student!  You also have this thing during 8th period where you can have time for "...Research, study, relaxation, fun with friends, and physical activity." (Translation: I KNOW WHAT I WOULD BE DOING DURING THAT PERIOD! NOT PHYSICAL ACTIVITY, THAT'S FOR SURE!) They have over 150 clubs, and selective courses like, art, journalism, theater arts, photography, creative writing, and graphic arts. (They also have electronics, robotics, prototyping and 25 varsity sports, blah blah) So why not?

Anyway, even after this very positive summary of the school, I still have a few doubts and hesitations about going to the school, but my philosophy is this: I apply and see if I'm accepted.  If I am, great, whoopee.  If I'm not, that's ok, because I will still go to a brand new high school that was just built this year, and all my friends will too. So really, it's a win-win situation. And let's say I start having mental break downs and hallucinations and I become a cannibal, and decide I don't want to go to TJ, even if I'm accepted, than I don't even have to.

So yes. That's all you should ever want to know about Thomas Jefferson, and I will keep you guys posted on the upcoming stuff and Packet Thingys I must endure until the results! Until then...I'm Danielle Matta, on CNN News.

Danielle, news anchor and 'highly motivated' student

PS- Speaking of CNN, did you guys know that most kids don't know who Anderson Cooper is? Who does NOT know who Anderson Cooper is?! I mean, come on people! He is THE CNN Man! Next thing you know, they won't know who Christiane Amanpour is. Kids these days.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

TJ Open House (The One I Haven't Gone To Yet)

So first off, I'd just like to thank my Uncle George and Conor Bandar for helping me out with one of my school projects. I appreciate it. (And I think I got an A! ;)

Secondly, this has to be a very short post, just because technically my family should be in the car right now, but being Our Family, means that we shall always be late no matter what.  The reason for us going out so early on a Saturday morning (its almost 9:30 a.m.) is because we are going to a Thomas Jefferson Science and Technology High School open house, which started at 8:30 and ends at 11 a.m.  Obviously, the reason we are going is because I am/Possibly/Sort-of/Not Really Sure Yet/Want to go and apply to this high school.  Anyway, this is the first time I see this school, so I'm pretty excited. So I should be going!!! I'll post about it later, once I have more information and I've actually visted the school.
