
Thursday, January 27, 2011

I Regret to Inform You That You Do Not Get To Go To Disney World

Exams are done and the world is bright again.  Now all there is to do is to wait for the results...

Tuesday was a teacher work day, and Wednesday was a surprise snow day! And when I say surprise I mean we all thought it was going to be a school day, and then we suddenly received the call that school was cancelled!  There was some snow outside, but the main reason they cancelled was because at about 3 o'clock it really started coming down, ice and snow alike. 
So here I sit, Thursday afternoon, with what must be 8 inches of snow outside my house.

This time, the cancellation of school was not a surprise.

The two days that we have not had school I should have been frolicking in the fields of relaxation and TV and junk food...
But instead, I have been shackled to my endless list of WORK.
In the time span of 48 hours I have:
Edited a video for a project (took me only FIVE FREAKING HOURS)
Taken two online math tests (in case some of you are confused, that was extra credit work, not 'for fun')
Written a 1,000 word science essay (more info on that later)
Started a MAJOR English project
Taken a shower
Eaten a few meals

And I still have more work to go!! By tonight, I need to have ANOTHER 1,000 worded essay, for Civics this time, completed.

Why? Why me?

In other news, Monday evening I received a letter from TJ Admissions Office, more specifically from Tanisha S. Holland, Admissions Director, saying that she, "regrets to inform me that, based on my scores on my admissions examination...I am not included in the semifinalist pool." 

Also, yesterday (I believe) was my grandmothers birthday! So happy birthday to her!  When my dad told me what age you are now, I literally couldn't believe how young you are!  Dang woman! Seriously!

So about that essay.  In 8th grade, teachers really like to give you lots and lots of essays.  I can't tell you how many I've done already.  Most of them, are not just class assignments, but actual essay competitions that they require their class to do.  This particular one, is called The Dupont Challenge Science Essay Competition.  You can look it up if you want to.  You can basically pick any science related topic and write about it, in 700 to 1,000 words.  I'm pretty sure it's a national competition.  Anyway, so I picked schizophrenia as my topic, because it's something I've always been interested in and wanted to learn more about.  Now, there are some rules to this competition, and one of them, obviously, is that your topic has to be in some way related to science.  And schizophrenia is medical, so it's also can be scientific, but I'm not sure how sciencey my essay ended up being.  I doubt it will place, this definitely was not my best work, but man, those lucky 4 people that do place, get some pretty cool prizes.

The honorable mentions gets a 200 dollar savings bond.
Third place gets a 2,000 dollar savings bond.
Second place gets a 3,000 dollar savings bond.
And first place gets a 5,000 dollar savings bond.
First, second and third place people get an an all expenses paid trip to Walt Disney World Resort in Orlando and to the Kennedy Space Center with a parent.

Yuh huh. I think you wish you entered.


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

"The Better To Eat You With My Dear!"

Just in time, Monday night we had an ice/snow storm pass through, so we had our first snow day of 2011 on Tuesday!  Which also meant my exam schedule was all messed up. 
So today, the first day back to school this week, I also had my first mid-term.  Lucky for me, my P.E exam was easy.  Because I was really worried it wasn't going to be. Easy, that is. P.E exams are typically, you know, difficult in the sense that they're...hard.  But it was easy.  Which is lucky.
No, it's actually easy because it's P.E for crying out loud.
Doesn't it bother you when you put your blood, sweat and tears into studying a certain stupid P.E exam, and you end up acing it with the other kids who didn't look at it once? Yeah. That's annoying.

ANYWAY, tonight I shall be performing my magical studying techniques once again for the science and English exam I have tomorrow (Though studying science shouldn't be too hard...its the English I have to look out for. Phew. That darn English. Gets me every time.)
On top of that, I will also be watching the NEW....EPISODE...OF....
o: AMERICAN IDOL! :o  *gasp!
Try to hold on to your suspenders y'all.  I'm sure you could have guessed that one. 
Yes, yes, American Idol has been running on TV for WAY too long.  I mean, when it first started they all had those strange, furry cats on their heads and strange clothing (wait what? That's their HAIR? Old people are weird!)  And it's one of those things where you've seen one, and you've seen 'em all!  But come on, who doesn't enjoy watching bizarre people make fools of themselves? Right? Am I right?
This year though, there will be an added bonus.  We get to make fun of 2 people EVERY SINGLE EPISODE.

Jello and that womanly-looking man (Grandma, what a big mouth you have!) from the 80's that no one really cares about anymore. (Seriously though.  Does he rent out his mouth? Cuz that thing is HUMONGO.  He should seriously consider building a couple of condos in there.  I think it would be a great investment.)

So, that should be fun.

Anyway, that's all I've got for now folks!


Monday, January 17, 2011

My Man Martin

Happy Martin Luther Kind Jr. Day! No school = Great holiday

Mid-terms officially start tomorrow.  My first one, bright and early in the morning, is my P.E/Health exam.
Oh yes. We have a multiple choice exam on freaking Physical Education.
On Wednesday, I have a Science mid-term in the morning, and an English one in the afternoon.
Thursday, I have a civics one in the morning, and an Algebra one in the afternoon.
And on Friday, I have the two that I've been looking forward to all my life.

French and Guitar.

Must go study family. I know you all want to go in and take all my exams for me, but I'm afraid I can't let you do that. That's cheating.

Love you more than mid-terms,

P.S. See you Boston folk soon! This year's Super Bowl is going to be the best tennis game EVER!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Real Life, a.k.a, Mid-Terms Suck

Howdy Family! How are you all? How is 2011 treating you? I hope good! 'Cause mine's not!

Why you ask? Well my dear family, all you have to do is think about what most of my complaints have been centered around in the past, well, 8 years of my life.

You guessed it: School!
As an 8th grader, I'm coming to the point in my education where we should be tested constantly as a way to prepare us for what really matters...the SOLs-I mean, Real Life!
Real Life is a term used very frequently in school.  It symbolizes What Happens After High School, and When You Are Spit Out Into The World And Everyone Hates Your Guts and Wants To Make You Work Until Your Eighty and On Top Of That You Are Supposed To Change The Earth and Make A Difference Because We Are The Next Generation and That Is What We Were Born For!
I am sorry, but that sounds so thrilling, it makes me want to pee my pants.
But honestly, while school makes Real Life sound so daunting and difficult, and while they try to 'prepare' us for it, they only make it worse.  Because school is like a little Real Life all on it's own.  We have a 'job' and we have a 'family' and we have 'bosses' and 'responsiblites' and 'bathrooms'.  Except instead of appearing like the ACTUAL Real Life, and therefore getting us ready for it, this mini version of it waters everything down.
For example, take some of our dress code rules. Now, I agree that kids should not be allowed to come in butt naked just as much as the next guy.  But the fact that we can't wear hats or tank tops is a little ridicules.  I mean, in my school, in order for our tank top to be appropriate, it has to be 'three fingers wide'.  So if you come in to school, with a tank top that is two fingers and a half wide, you will be made to change out of your shirt.  I mean, come on.  How is this like Real Life? Last time I checked, the cashier at Target didn't throw me out because my tank top wasn't exactly three fingers.

I realize they have this rule for a reason. They don't want kids coming in with inappropriate clothing, which I understand, I really do. But when they get as particular as 'three fingers', it's just plain annoying.

Or how about the thing that teachers are always constantly threatening about, "If I hear/see one person doing "_______", then you ALL are not going to get "_____".  Teachers do this in a sort of incentive system.  I'm sure they think, "Hey, if I see two kids acting up, then the best way to get them to NOT act up, is to threaten to take away the cool special treat that the whole entire class wants.  But WAIT! Instead of just taking away that privilege from ONLY THE TWO KIDS WHO ARE ACTING UP, why don't I threaten to take it away from the whole class, and then those two kids won't want to disappoint their classmates!" Which is a very, very stupid assumption to make, because those two kids who are misbehaving most likely don't even care about the special treat anyway, let alone if the rest of us get the special treat.  Which makes it double unfair for the rest of us, because we can't do anything about how other people act. AND THEN WE DON'T GET THE SPECIAL TREAT. In Real Life, if that guy goes in and robs a bank, and I'm walking on the same street as the bank at the time, I'M not going to jail, he is.

And how come 13 and 14 year olds still have to walk IN A LINE with ONE FOOT ON THE BLACK TILE to go to lunch? Huh? And why are we not allowed to have four people sit on a cafeteria bench, if those four people fit perfectly fine on it?! Why are we made to sit with the class that we are currently in for lunch, instead of our friends? In Real Life, does the police arrest you if didn't raise your hand to ask for a NAPKIN?

Anyway, the whole point of that was to say that school can sometimes be a little unrealistic, even though they try so hard to prepare us for the big world. Plus 8th graders are tested WAY too much and Mid-terms should DIE.
Mid-terms are in one week. NOW I'm peeing in my pants.

On a brighter note, on Tuesday it's supposed to snow.  But of course now it won't, since I've said it.  Look what you all made me do!!



Saturday, January 1, 2011


Well, it's the new year and the weather is crap.  But we're goin' home! We all had a great time last New Years Eve party EVER. Hope you all had a wonderful night too! Best wishes for 2011!
