
Monday, April 4, 2011

Ear Guns and The Freaking Dream Team

Hey everyone!

It's been awhile since I last posted, so I thought I would just give a quick update.
Things have been going fine at the Matta and work and eating a lot keeps us busy, as usual.
Speaking of school...only 54 school days left until summer! That's about 11 weeks! Practically 2 and a half months! 1296 hours! seems a lot longer when you say it in hours... :(

Also, further good news on my part, my braces shall be making an exit rather soon! My orthodontist says I should have them off sometime in May...Why aren't you celebrating? If anything, THIS is a cause for celebration!

Another new addition to my life: More stress! Oh wait...
So a couple of weeks ago I was informed that me and 7 others were chosen to be in this thing called the Academic Challenge (This is where you groan and wish you had a cooler daughter/niece/grandchild/life)  It's basically like Jeopardy except between lots of middle schools and with teams.  And being in the Academic Challenge is a lot more embarrassing than being on Jeopardy.  I mean, just look at the name.  The only way it could be worse is if it was called Nerds R Us.  Though I think 'Academic Challenge' brings across that message quite nicely anyway.
So, the actual thing is this upcoming Saturday, at 9 a.m.  Against my will, our team is called The Dream Team (Which is like icing on the cake. Gee, what can we call ourselves to draw less nerdy attention to ourselves? How about THE DREAM TEAM? -_- We might as well just come in suspenders and wave around our allergy medication.) Anyway, the plan is to win, no matter how much that might shame all our reputations.  We have had a few meetings, and I think we have a pretty good shot.  And even if we lose, at least we can all put it behind us and never speak of it again.  And possibly change our names and move to Mexico.  Yeah.

So that's pretty much it my friends! I'm going to the mall now with my mom to do some birthday returns/gift card using get my ears pierced!  Before I go, I'll leave this short dialogue of how my friends described the process of getting your ears pierced:

(Me) "Does it hurt?"
"Nah, it feels like a shot.  It only hurts for a second."
"It hurts for longer than a second.  Maybe five seconds."
"Well, it's kinda nerve-wracking, with the gun and all..."
(Me) "THE GUN!!!??"
"Yeah, you know, the gun with the needle on it.  They just put it next to your ear and shoot it!"
"Mine bled for like, forevahh."
(Me) "THE GUN!!!??"
"Jeez Danielle, it's not a big deal.  They put numbing stuff on your ear.  I think."
(Me) "Oh Lord."

Adios! Off to go get my ear combusted!
