
Monday, May 30, 2011



MONDAY: Memorial Day! No school= 'nuff said


WEDNESDAY: My braces will be REMOVED, then I go to school.  The afternoon follows suit, and then I have my last and final Guitar Concert at my school, 7 p.m. 

THURSDAY: I was nominated to represent my civics teacher in the annual Social Studies Fair at one of the local high schools.  My friend and I (I was able to choose a friends to come along with me) will be missing two classes in the morning (HA HA YES!) and will return back to school at about lunch time, (presumably). Then, all tutors at my school will be given a celebration party a little after lunch, so I will probably miss a little bit of my fourth class as well. After school, I have a workshop class at Tuscarora, (The high school I'll be attending) for biology next year. (More on that later)

This day all the music departments in my school that are in 8th grade (guitar, chorus, band) get to go on a little field trip to HERSHEY PARK.  This is a big deal though guys, seriously. We have to be at my school and on the bus by 5:30 IN THE MORNING. Yeah, no joke.  My dad's chaperoning, so luckily, he can endure this slight bit of torture with me.  Then we drive to the high school that we're performing at in Pennsylvania, and well, perform. (This is a music/guitar competition hosted by Hershey called Music in the Parks.  There are judges and everything...) After the performance, we load back on the bus and go to HERSHEY PARK (It deserves all caps people)  We stay there in our groups and roam the park and have fun and eat alot and go on rides and be awesome and not at school until 5:15 when we return to the buses and arrive back at our school at 7:30 p.m. My day will definitely be more cooler than yours, sorry to say.

SATURDAY: Friend's Birthday Party

SUNDAY: Freak out about going to Greece this summer and try to 'consider' packing!

So there you go! The complete run-through of this week. I figured since today I have no school (yay) I would try to explain the bestest week of my life before hand, in case things got too busy and crazy to blog about (THAT'S a definite!) I will try to blog about the important parts of these events though, so keep an eye out!

Your almost braceless, almost successful guitarist, almost school-less relative,

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Luck is the word...

So it seems I have kept my word! Another post in less than 5 kazillion weeks! Blame it on Judgement was your hell on earth, by the way?

So everyone, the SOL's are finally over. Just in case you didn't know, SOL's (Standards Of Learning) are the state of Virginia's test that is required and given to students 3rd grade and up every year for the major subjects.  Now, taking these tests have become like breathing air.  You get lectured about them all year, you stress about them for about a month, you study for them for a week, and you take the freaking test.  And then life goes back to being joyful and full of magic ponies.  Results come in, (600= Perfect Score 400+ is passing, lower than that is obviously the opposite of passing) you either cry or jump with glee, and then we all get on with our lives, never to hear about the SOL's again...that is, until next year when the whole cycle starts over.
This year, I'm afraid, is slightly different.
You see, 8th graders are particularly lucky in all areas.  Especially this year.  I have expressed some of my enthusiasm in the past on this topic of suck-oh, i mean luck with 8th graders, but I never mentioned the icing on the cake.  Our 8th grader ancestors have all enjoyed some sort of field trip and 'graduation' party at the end of the year.  6th and 7th graders get to see a show at the Kennedy Center and do whoop-de-doo in D.C. But 8th graders get to go to Baltimore for the aquarium.  Now, you might be thinking, "OMG, fish are so totally amazing, that is the best field trip I have ever heard of yo!" but before you get all sarcastic on me, let me tell you something: I have been to D.C. more times than I would like to count.  I have been breathing D.C. air, stepping on D.C. soil, peeing in D.C. toilets FOR THE MAJORITY OF MY LIFE. Come on now guys, that's like being told you're getting to go on a field trip to the dentist. (No offense, dentists)  Who seriously wants to do that for FUN? You go on a longg bus ride in crappity-crap buses, see alll the darn, white monuments you see in your nightmares (Washington Monument? More like GIANT POINTY VAMPIRE STAKE) and then walk around a boring museum you've already been to 50 times.  No, I'll take fish over D.C. ANY DAY.
But get this: No fish. No, not even a D.C.  WE. GET. NOTHING. 6th grade went on their field trip. 7th grade went. But 8th, those good ol' 8th graders, they won't mind, and hey, who cares if they do, we are evil, fun-sucking teachers who like to blame BUDGET CUTS on the general dullness of our school. 
So how do they make this up to us?
"Hey kids, for your graduation party, instead of having it on the weekend like we do usually do, we're gonna have it on a Thursday! But wait- Don't get too excited! You didn't really think we would give you the whole day off to enjoy your youth and give your aching, working brains a break, did you? Nahh, you can miss like, two of your classes, kay? Oh, and btw, gimmie 10 bucks fools."
Not only do we have to still do SCHOOL on our graduation party, but we also have to pay for our food and t-shirts. And get your hopes up about the entertainment...they're renting us BOUNCY equipment. As in SWEATY ADOLESCENT TEENAGERS BOUNCING AROUND ON AN OVER-SIZED MULTI-COLORED BEACH BALL.

So yes. Like I said before, 8th graders really are lucky.  To add to that luck, we are the only grade in middle school who have to take a Science SOL, on top of an English, Civics and Math one.  The science SOL is from all three years of middle school too. So really, just as easy as one, (just had a break down) two, (major sleep deprivation) three (suicidal thoughts).

But thank the lord, SOL's are OVER. The good news: I got a 600 on my Algebra SOL (HA HA SUCK IT THOMAS JEFFERSON!) The bad news: Testing still isn't over. On top of SOL's, we also have exams for every single subject, including music and P.E. (Feel free to laugh hysterically)  Luckily, my school has this incentive program, where if you pass your SOL for that subject, then you don't have to take the exam.  That still doesn't exclude P.E. though. Ha. Love it.

So on top of the usual stressing that happens during SOL time, there is also post-stressing, because now all us 8th graders are wondering if we are going to have to take the frickin exam too.

so, yay.


Thursday, May 19, 2011

Braces and Earrings and Victory, OH MY!

Ahh! What a mess! It has been way over a month and not ONE post! What is happening to this world!?

I am so sorry dear ones.  I'm sure you all have been just so devastated from lack of blogy-ness. I understand your pain.

The good news is, I'm back! (well, for now. Until another SUPER EXTREMELY HUGELY HUMONGOUSLY BUSY month comes around again)

Soo much has happened since I last posted.  Too much to catch up on...but hey, that's what VISITS are for!
The important stuff is: My brain was not blown to bits because of an ear gun! My ears have now been successfully pierced for a little bit over 6 weeks.  2 more to go, and then I get to change my beginners earrings. (For those of you who are not earring-savvy, when you get your ears pierced, (with the gun thingy) a special hypo-allergenic real gold/silver earring is placed in the hole immediately (with the gun thingy).  This earring stays in your ears for 6-8 weeks.  You strictly CAN NOT take them out ONCE.  You're supposed to clean them twice a day, and be careful with your ears around suspiciously bacterial bacteria that cause infections.  Once the 8 weeks is up, you can then change your earrings finally, but you still can only wear real gold/silver for half a year.)  So by June, I will have liberated ears! They will finally have a choice between gold...or silver.  hm. decisions, decisions...
On June 1st...I'm kissing these suckers goodbye and saying heeloooo to new, straight, gap-less teeth!  No more metal! No more rubber bands! No more restricted diets because of immense dental pain!  No more poking wires, or tightening wires, or chains!
People, do you realize this is only in 13 days!?
This is very, very, very good news.

That week of June 1st will be an extremely hectic and crazy one, but more on that later!
For now folks, adios!


P.S. Last SOL is tomorrow. BUT MORE ON THAT LATER. ;) (a.k.a next month)