Ooh. Well. This is awkward.
It has been quite a while, dear inconsistent readers. As a matter of fact, an entire school year has passed in the time since my last post. If that doesn't tell you how my Sophomore year was like, I don't know what does.
It is true that this past school year has been my toughest yet, unsurprisingly. I have learned to survive on less than 4 hours of sleep, consecutively. I have stayed at school for 14+ hours. I have seen a side of 4 a.m. I never want to revisit again. I have crammed, copied, begged, cried, screamed, scrambled and negotiated more times this year than I care to admit.
And all that is with just one AP class, 3 honors classes, gym, newspaper and 11th grade science.
Next year, I will be taking 3 AP classes, newspaper, economics and personal finance and pre-calc.
One of those AP's will be AP Chemistry, apparently one of the hardest classes one can take. Yay?
This summer, which started this past Friday, I have 5 summer assignments to do. FIVE. FIIIIVEEEEEEEEE.
I don't know HOW I feel about the fact that next year will inevitably be hell, or that I should kiss any remnants of a social life I once had goodbye, or that I only have 2 years left of public education. I honestly don't know.
What I do know is this summer has to be the best. It genuinely has to be the greatest summer I have ever had or else I will spontaneously combust in a thousand million little pieces. There is still a question of my survival after being a Junior, so I must make the next three months count because I will never get a carefree, teenage, 5-assignment summer again. After 11th grade, I will have the in-between summer that will be full of college prep type related things, including more than likely a summer job and even more summer assignments. And the summer after that...well, I will be an independent adult ready (or not ready) to take on the world in some new state or new country in a new school with new everything...let's not think about that one too hard.
Basically what I am saying is this is my last 3 months of being a kid. I know the rest of the year still counts, even though I will be in school, but during the school months I am less human than zombie/monster/sleep-deprived, workaholic troll, and the time I have to spend being a kid is limited by the overabundant amounts of work and stress.
Slowly becoming an adult is actually pretty depressing. No wonder all of you are so grumpy and pessimistic.
Anyway, even if I never make another blog post during the school months again, I want to be able to blog about this summer, if nothing else. My last summer of truly being a kid needs to be documented dangit, and I think I am rightly qualified to do the job. After all, once I am a famous author/journalist/philanthropist/model/billionaire extraordinaire, my admirers around the world will want to know what I was like during my tender years of youth.
So, onto the next adventure then: Boston, Mass.
Well, after I clean my room. Not exactly an adventure per say, but my heaped clothes and ever-growing pile of binders, papers and over-used school supplies may beg to differ. It's a jungle in here, I swear.
See y'all soon,