
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

A Not So Short Post With Good Intentions And Lots of Awards

This is going to be a very short post, on account that it's 8 p.m. and I still have to study for THE TJ Admissions Test, which, by the way, is THIS SATURDAY.

But I have a few things I would, (quickly) like to mention.

One of them being that my grandparents left for Greece yesterday, and arrived safely home.  We really enjoyed having them here at our house and we all hope they come back again soon!!!

Another thing, Nicholas received his very first A's and B's Honor Roll Award Thingy (for those of you who do not know what that is, it's an award that congratulates students who receive all A's and B's (or all A's) on their report card for that semester. Hence the name, A's and B's Honor Roll Award Thingy) and he also was awarded the Cornerstone Award for effort, which is a Cornerstone Award for effort. Kapish?
So Y-A-Y Nicholas! You have also now been awarded the Danielle Thinks You Are Fabulous (No Matter How Annoying) Award!  A prestigious honor only few are lucky enough to receive!

Also, my father is currently in Boston with Those Guys (his family) for the rest of the week, and coming back Friday, just in time for THE TJ Admissions Test.  He, sadly, does not receive the Danielle Thinks Your Fabulous Award.  Or any award for that matter. Except for possibly getting poison ivy.  I'm not sure if there is an award for that.

So, last thing before I go (uh, didn't you say this was going to be short, Danielle? Why yes I did folks. But apparently, I lied.) I just thought that I would give you all a little taste of what kind of questions are going to be on this Admissions Test.  Directly from my practice test I got in TJ prep class, here is one question:

1.  As you walk up a long hill, you pass five different trees.
          1) The first tree is not an aspen.
          2) The last tree is an elm.
          3) The second tree is a sugar maple.
          4) You pass the hickory tree after you have passed the sugar maple, but before you pass the aspen.
          5) You pass the aspen after you have passed the red oak.
    In which position is the aspen?

A. second
B. third
C. fourth
D. fifth
E. Cannot be determined from the information given.

Shall I remind you all, that is is only ONE question out of 45 on the Verbal part of the test.  There is a mathematics part of the test too.  And let me just say, it is MUCH harder than that.  So go ahead and give it your best shot.  Comment your answer, and if you get it correct, you will receive the DTYFAward.  I think you all know what award that is ;)

Anyway everyone, time is ticking, and I must be going.

Oh, last thing.  Promise.  Don't forget that Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2 comes out in July!  Go buy your tickets 8 months before hand!  There you go, Warner Exec and Danny boy!  (If this strange addition was confusing for you, go see the comment made by Anonymous under my H.P and the D.H rant post. Yup.  If you still don't get it, then I can't help you son!)

So adios for now muchachos!  And remember, It's Not Smart, Unless It's K-Mart Smart! (Oh man, I am on a roll with the advertisements!)


P.S.     [*Pwned*]  That was for you dad.

1 comment:

  1. Warner Exec here, good job Ms Matta. I'll be sure to put in a good word with the good folks at TJ and have them pass you, regardless of whether or not you answered C correctly. I will personally send you a gift bag for xmas which will clearly not include twilight paraphernalia. Long live Hogwarts,

    Exec out..
