
Monday, December 27, 2010

Nothing Like Dark-Circles Under My Eyes For Christmas

Merry Late Christmas! Wow, I am BAD with this on-time thing.

Hope everyone had a fabulous Christmas! This year was a very good Christmas for me! Let me share with you the Adventure That Is Christmas In The Matta House.

It's Christmas Eve, and the family is watching Christmas movies and specials. And when I say family, I mean Danielle and occasionally Nicholas, since Mother and Father are sprawled out on a various piece of furniture, snoring like their life depended on it.  Anyway, so finally the family decides to trudge upstairs.  While slightly drugged Mother and Father (I'm only joking..they are actually just sleep-walking) place their wrapped gifts under the tree, Nicholas and Danielle get ready for bed.  Because she is so nice and considerate, and an all-round wonderful person, Danielle offered to have a sleep-over with her brother.  After setting up the Santa Tracker (So accurate, it's amazing! It's as if they made it up all themselves) and reading half a chapter of Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone (It's reading, not brain-washing the younger peoples of the world into becoming mini Harry Potter zombies, thank you very much), the children turn off the lights and go to sleep (Please note that is is MUCH after Mother and Father, since they fell asleep under the tree)
Barely five minutes has gone by, when Nicholas sits up and shifts position, shaking the entire bed in the process.  The next five minutes, and he does it again.  This repeats for the next HOUR AND A HALF with additional sighs and grumbles. Any longer and the floor would have caved in.  Finally, at 2 a.m., Nicholas decides to get up and go to his own bed, and Danielle can now sleep in peace. For 4 hours.  Then, Nicholas returns.  It is the Danielle-and-Nicholas Rule, after all, that whoever wakes up first on Christmas Day, must go and wake the other up immediately.  So that's what he does (because he is obviously a physco) and the two kids walk cautiously down the stairs and 6 a.m.  They are pleasantly surprised with the sight of LOTS of presents under the tree! (And two strange, lumpy-looking shapes, but that was they're parents dormant bodies, of course)
So they open all sorts of great gifts and and spend the rest of the day enjoying them and cooking and eating!

Here is what I gave to my family:

~A 60 dollar gift certificate to a very fancy restaurant that we have here called Lightfoot for my parents to have a 'romantic' evening together.
~The Despicable Me Blu-ray, DVD and Digital Copy Combo Pack and the Lego Harry Potter Years 1-4 (a.k.a, movies 1-4, for those of you who are Harry Potter challenged) for Wii (Is this endorsement or what?!) for Nick. Cost me a lot of moola. A lot.

That may not seem much to you, but trust me, my wallet was hurtin' after these purchases. I had 12 bucks left afterwards.  Luckily, I received $60 from my Grandmother and Uncle George in Boston, and a $75 dollar check from my Nona (Godmother) in California, so my wallet is very happy now! And my Uncle Bernie (as found in Boston as well.  He's selling fast now folks, so buy up quickly, before the winter season!) gave me a very unique gift that I will not yet mention, but don't fret my darlings, there will be more about that later! Also my Aunt Natalie has sent something in the mail, and my Thia Venetia (Thia=Aunt) sent a very generous donation to the Danielle Foundation when my grandparents were here.  So thank you all very much for thinking of me and for the gift you gave me! I appreciate it very much! Also, I must thank my grandparents in Greece as well, because I would not have been able to buy ANY of those Christmas gifts if it were not for the money they gave me while they were here. So thank you family! Love you all so much!

And of course, thank you to my brother and parents too, for such a wonderful Christmas and for their presents too.  Hope you enjoy yours!

So, with that, I must be off! I have a lot of work to do (the details on that are for another post, another day, try not to get too disappointed) and I am hungry as  What animal can I use that will not be offensive to my calm and exquisite demeanor?

Also, I will be posting a list of all the other gifts I got this year one of these keep an eye out for that, because I know, and you know, that you want to know ;)



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