
Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Thou Art Angsty and Cynical, Dastardly Invitations!

Hola! How's it going? Hope you all are excited for the weekend...'cause I sure am!!

It has been quite a while since I've done one of my typical, sarcastic, slighty angsty posts, but with school and...well, school, it has been quite hard being very angsty at all!! But, you all are in luck, because Ranting Danielle is riled up and ready to go!

So for those of you who haven't noticed, (and if you did not, you should go into your hallway, find a nice little corner, and start slowly but steadily ceasing your brain cells from exsistance by banging your head continuously) tomorrow is my birthday. March 17th. 2011. I shall be the mighty age of fourteen.  One-Four, the age of...nothing. mannnn.
Anyway, every year, when my birthday comes around, usually a couple weeks before I start planning out my party.  This then involves running the idea with the 'rents. (God I hate that 'cool' way of saying parents. What the heck is cooler about chopping off the p-a-r part?   And since when does saying 'parents' have to be cool anyway? I thought, being an angsty teen and all, that parents WERE NOT cool. But hey, my angst has been running low these past couple of days, so what would I know?)  Then, once my plan has been approved, we go shopping for decor, paper plates, napkins etc., food...and whatever else is included in this birthday plan of mine. (which probably consists of making my guests do something that they wouldn't want to do at a circus in mid-air while going through a hoop of fire, much less a birthday party)
But every year, there is always this awkwardness about giving out invitations.  I mean, I make a list, figure out who I want to invite and who I don't, and I write up the invitations.  So the handing out of invites should be easy, right?
Well, no.  Because this is where the awkward part comes in.
There are your Good/Best Friends, your Sort-of Friends, your Kind-of-Not Friends, your Friends Only in Class Friends, your We Only Talk in the Locker Room Friends, your Friend of a Friend Friends, your You-Only-Hang-Out-With-Them-Because-They-Hang-Around-Your-Friends Friend, and your Friends Who Are Not Really Your Friends But Stick Like Glue Anyway. 
Those are a lot of 'friends'.  Yeah, it's pretty sad and kind of cynical to make catagories like that, but come on, lets face it here, you all know it's true.  You know you have at least one person in your life that could fit in one of those groups.  Plus, cynical is my most feared side. Rawr.
So basically, when it comes to invitation giving, there are several problems and obstacles that come up.  And you'll literally do ANYTHING to avoid these problems and obstacles...because 'friend catagories' are the hardest to mess with, son.  You mess with one, you screw the delicate balance of 'friendship' competely, and mess with a bunch of others that you would never have thought were connected..

For example, lets say one of your Good/Best Friends does...I don't know, softball, and she made the winning...serve? volley? Yeah, SO THEY WIN.  The game was really important to your friend and your really proud of her (plus she's in your Good/Best Friends catagory...that's gotta mean something) so you go out and buy her, oh I don't know, a really expensive necklace that she's always wanted. But, uh oh, dilema, you have only one class with this friend and you don't want to hand an expensive necklace to her out in front of your entire class.  So you tell her to meet you by your locker. 
Now, next to you, is your We Only Talk in the Locker Room Friend.  She has had a locker next to you for the past 3 years.  You guys talk and laugh, but ONLY between classes, and it doesn't really go beyond that.  But you know for a fact that THAT friend has always wanted said expensive necklace as well.  And it is ALSO your common knowledge that THAT friend ALSO had a very important game, HOCKEY. No, I change my mind, SOCCER.
So your Good/Best Friend comes up, and right there next to you, looking at you with wide eyes and breathing down your freaking neck, is We Only Talk in the Locker Room Friend.  She's even more intrigued when your Good/Best Friend goes, "Hey, you said you wanted to give me a gift?"
So you have no choice but to give her the necklace, right there in front of your W.O.T.i.t.L.R.F.  Who then goes, "OMG! I'VE BEEN WANTING THAT NECKLACE FOREVAAH! WHAT'S IT FOR???" and then you are stuck in the very awkward position of explaining that you are giving it to that friend because she won the game...and therefore admitting RIGHT TO THAT FRIENDS FACE, that you like her A WHOLE LOT LESS (specifically, a very expensive necklace less) than her. Which, is awkward.

And it gets a whole lot worse when it comes to party invitations.  Especially when you are constantly SURROUNDED by people who potientially think they are worthy of being invited to your party.  Even if you may not agree.
Which, is awkard.
And makes me VERY angsty ;PP

So family, before I go sulk and brood about my poor, vain, social catastrophes, I say goodnight.  And beware of angst-creating, awkward situation forming, friendship severing invitations.
I have said the word angst WAY too many times in this one post.  Maybe next time I should just put the title as: WARNING: THIS POST MAY CONTAIN TOO MUCH TEENAGE ANGST.  READ WITH CAUTION.

I think maybe I should just go to bed now. You all have a lot to think about, obvioulsy, what with my motivational and emotional post.  So full of...ang-

Guess what that word would have been.

Wow. I'm annoying.


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