
Friday, June 17, 2011

First Day Of Summer

Yes folks, that's right.  Today officially, is the first day of summer for me!  This statement just makes me want to crack up laughing manically.  I think it may be the single most important statement I've ever made in this blog.
Today, as well as being the first day where I can sleep through 6 a.m., is the Marina and the Diamonds Concert!!!! It is at 5 o'clock in D.C., so in order to not be late, (LIKE WE ALWAYS ARE) we're going to try to leave at 3.  We might need a miracle to be able to get out of the house that quickly, but hey, maybe the First Day of Summer Magic will be shared with us!
I absolutely cannot wait for the concert, but I REALLY can't wait for tomorrow, which is when we leave for Greece!  Our flight is in the evening though, which gives us some extra time to pack. (And allows my dad to mow the lawn...-_-) For now, our plan for the month that we will be overseas is to spend a week in Athens, (We will arrive there on Monday) a little less than a week in my grandparents village, another week in an island (I believe we have decided which one, I just can't remember the name of it!) and then about 4 to 5 days in London.  Now, the whole London business is because in order to go to Greece, or come back to the U.S., we have to stop in London, sort of as a midway flight.  But when we had originally planned to come back to the U.S., there were NO flights that entire week going from London going to Dulles! (Our local airport) So instead, we decided we would take the opportunity to explore London a little bit more! (We have been there before...we went for New Years a couple of years ago.  But we've never really been during the summer like this, and as many of you know if you travel, one trip usually isn't enough ;) Plus there is some family/friend chances in London, as well as my great opportunity to see OXFORD! (hint, hint)
So yes! That is our vague schedule for now.  I really can't wait.  I hate the whole 17-hours-traveling-with-no-toilet-except-the-one-on-the-plane-which-is-small-and-gross-and-constantly-moving, but it's all worth it for the trip that waits for us!

Oh, and by the way.  You should now refer to me as The Amazing High School Freshman. Yeah. That's right. Don't be hatin'.

Danielle, Middle School Graduate

P.S.  I apologize for the lack of funny in my recent posts.  But don't worry.  I'm sure in the future, I will no doubt have a ginormous amount of complaining/sarcasm filled posts.  Patience, mon amis! Oh, which reminds me, French and Guitar exams went well!  Scores will be here when we get back!

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