
Friday, October 21, 2011

Rock-a-Bye Wrestling Team, On the Tree Top...

Hello everyone!
I actually have two very crucial things to mention in this post today.  And when I say crucial, I mean LIFE or DEATH crucial. I mean crucial-to-your-SURVIVAL-crucial.

An amazing thing happened today. It was a miracle sent from God. Just wait for's coming...

BUT first, I have a question for you.

When was the last time you had nap time at your work or school?

Ah ah ah, don't look at me like that. Just answer the question.

That's what I thought.
Well guess what suckers?

I. Had. Nap. Time. Today.
Yes, that's right. I, 9th grader, 14 year old extraordinaire...was told to lie down, and close my eyes, and relax.
And the most amazing part: It was during P. Freaking. E.
The ironic part: It was punishment for my class who wasn't following directions while we were playing soccer.
So instead of making us do push-ups...or laps...or any number of torturous physical activities...My P.E teacher told us all to go to the mat room, lectured us...and then laid down the law.
Well, we laid down, anyway.
The lights were off...everyone was quiet...I was 5 years old again and not sweating and gross and lying down where I'm sure a hundred sweaty and gross males have laid before me while wrestling...
It was the best punishment ever.

Well, now that I've made you all jealous, I can tell you the really crucial thing that happened today...
My pants ripped.

Huh. Not as an amazing of a statement as I thought it would be.  Well, never mind then, this post isn't crucial at all! 


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