
Friday, December 31, 2010


Happy New Years EVE! In about 7 hours, it will be 2011!  In celebration of this occasion, we are now watching The Sorcerers Apprentice in our hotel room! Clad in white robes and beige socks, my parents are eating cookies in the two sofa chairs and me and nick are slouched and moody like all good teenagers should be. (I don't know what my parents excuse is...)
Later tonight our plans will get a little more exciting though, don't you worry.  We have made reservations at the Biltmore Estate Hotel (ON the B. Estate, but not the actual Biltmore Castle Building Thing.  If that makes sense) for a New Years Eve dinner.  Our reservations are for 9 p.m., and then after we will return to the hotel room and probably watch the ball drop on ABC and eat some more.
Surprisingly enough, we actually DO venture out of our cozy hotel room.  We actually just came back from the tour of the Biltmore that we took and lunch.  (Of course, everything we do has to some how involve food.)  But the tour was really nice! The place was amazing.  Everything was so huge and...fancy!  The most impressive area was the indoor pool.  It was SO deep and HUGE! And FANCY!  The entire house was five floors...the main floor included the GIANT dinning room...the next floor up included the guests' quarters (The Vanderbilts rented out rooms for friends and family) and the third floor held the Vanderbilts' rooms.  (Mrs. Vanderbilt had pink crown molding.  Some things don't change)  Then the basement floor had the maids and butlers quarters, (They had over 30 maids and butlers back in the day)  then the POOL, and a mini BOWLING ALLEY, EXERCISE ROOM and kitchen.  The very highest floor wasn't apart of our tour (the jerks...) but it was still such a cool thing to see.
After the tour, we ate at a place called Rezaz, which was kinda good and weird at the same time.

As for yesterday, we drove around the HUMONGOUS Estate, and had lunch (More food!) at The Biltmore Estate Hotel Thingy, which was pretty darn good. (Which is why we decided we're going to eat there tonight) After we went to Antler Hill Village (Also inside the Estate.) and looked inside the shops and stuff.  Then we drove to a local grocery store (NOT inside the Estate) and picked up stuff for Pasta! And we ate! At the hotel. (In our fancy mini kitchen) We watched another movie. While we ate cookies.

My family is anorexic.

Happy New Years Eve once again, and best wishes for 2011!

I'm off to go eat-I mean, watch a movie!


Thursday, December 30, 2010

Greetings From Asheville, North Carolina

Hello from The Biltmore Residence! (Do not be fooled...I'm not talking about the Biltmore Estates, that's the big one.  This is just a sort of shalait/hotel room/suite thing NEAR the big one.) We are in room 114, with a view of...trees and the street. Ah well! Over all, this is a really good room!  For one, it's really quite big!  When you walk in, you see a round table with four chairs (and place mats!) to your right, and a little living room with a stone fire-place (Flat screen on top!) and sofa chairs and a couch, to your left.  There is also a mini kitchen, including a big fridge, microwave, oven, sink and stove top. (And toaster and coffee-maker and cooking utensils and CUPBOARDS...) As you continue down the hallway (Oh yes, there is a HALLWAY) there are 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms, both equipped with queen (or king, if your a stinkin' adult) beds and nightstands, oh yeah, FLAT SCREENS (aaaand DVD player) But you want to know the best part of all?  The soap.  The soap, comes out of the package, WITHOUT a center. Its like a ring of soap with a big hole in the middle!  It's supposed to avoid wasting the middle of the soap which most people don't use and throw out because it's too small.  So no middle means no waste!  Isn't that cool!?  Come on, you have to admit, that's pretty cool.  The package was also made out of recycled stuff too, in case you were wondering.
Anyway, yesterday we left at 8:30 a.m. for my orthodontist appointment, (who graciously changed my wires and induced pain in my mouth) and then we hit the road! Everything was going great until we crossed the border...into Tennessee.  For all of you who do not have a U.S map in front of you, Tennessee is a bordering state of Virginia...but so is North Carolina, so we really shouldn't have gone through it.  It was actually quite funny. 
Once we were in the right state, we drove to Asheville, and checked into our hotel.  After settling in, we went out for dinner, which we reserved for 7:45 at The Corner Kitchen, the best restaurant in Asheville.  I had the meatloaf, but the best was desert...Amy's Own Key Lime Tart.  I've always wanted to try Key Lime pie, so I was like: OMG
And soon I was like: *burp
It was very good. Very. Good.
Then we returned to our room, for some relaxation in front of the t.v. (Sounds like home!)
Today we are going to tour the outside of the Biltmore Estate and such.  The weather is supposed to reach 47 degrees Fahrenheit, so it should be comfortable, considering there's snow on the ground.  We are now about to have breakfast, (My dad went out and got us flavored bagels and stuff...) and then we'll get ready to go out.
So goodbye for now, but I'll be baaack!


Tuesday, December 28, 2010

What My Day Will Be Like Tomorrow...And The Next Day...And The Next Day

The plans have been confirmed...we are driving down to North Carolina to a nice hotel near the Biltmore...tomorrow.  Before our seven hour drive, that is sure to be filled with family fun in a tight space, I will be seeing my orthodontist so he can do slightly torturous things to my teeth, guaranteed to make my road trip even more enjoyable.  I am currently in the process of packing...and stressing out.  Instead of being able to completely relax and enjoy my upcoming vacation, I have to worry about homework. Oh, yes, I said homework.  Now you must be thinking, what kind of sick creature gives innocent children HOMEWORK over winter break? I am wondering the same thing my friend. The only difference is YOU don't actually have to do it.
Let's take a look at my agenda, shall we? I have a Christmas Review Packet from my wonderful math teacher.  Oh look, it even has two little orange stains on the front, isn't that adorable. Ten pages, bless her soul.  It is definitely a Christmas Packet.  Sort of like a Christmas Miracle. DOESN'T IT REMIND YOU OF THAT TOO?
Now what else...Oh yes, it looks like I have a Civics essay to write as well. 250 words on why I am proud to be an American. Shucks, y'all.
And last and most definitely least, six pieces of music for a guitar exam, each aprox. three pages long, to have perfected by, well, let's see, MONDAY.  These pieces of music, in case you were interested, we should be able to play them in 7th AND 5th position, both of which we were never taught. Yeah, I'm laughing too buster.

So, it looks like my Christmas Miracle Packet, Civics Book, AND my guitar are coming along for the ride tomorrow.

And what a ride that will be.

I'm not sure if I will be able to or get the time to post anything in NC, so in case I don't, I wish you all a Happy New Year, hope it's the best one yet! (Free of Christmas Miracles and Teacherswhoarenothuman.)


Monday, December 27, 2010

Nothing Like Dark-Circles Under My Eyes For Christmas

Merry Late Christmas! Wow, I am BAD with this on-time thing.

Hope everyone had a fabulous Christmas! This year was a very good Christmas for me! Let me share with you the Adventure That Is Christmas In The Matta House.

It's Christmas Eve, and the family is watching Christmas movies and specials. And when I say family, I mean Danielle and occasionally Nicholas, since Mother and Father are sprawled out on a various piece of furniture, snoring like their life depended on it.  Anyway, so finally the family decides to trudge upstairs.  While slightly drugged Mother and Father (I'm only joking..they are actually just sleep-walking) place their wrapped gifts under the tree, Nicholas and Danielle get ready for bed.  Because she is so nice and considerate, and an all-round wonderful person, Danielle offered to have a sleep-over with her brother.  After setting up the Santa Tracker (So accurate, it's amazing! It's as if they made it up all themselves) and reading half a chapter of Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone (It's reading, not brain-washing the younger peoples of the world into becoming mini Harry Potter zombies, thank you very much), the children turn off the lights and go to sleep (Please note that is is MUCH after Mother and Father, since they fell asleep under the tree)
Barely five minutes has gone by, when Nicholas sits up and shifts position, shaking the entire bed in the process.  The next five minutes, and he does it again.  This repeats for the next HOUR AND A HALF with additional sighs and grumbles. Any longer and the floor would have caved in.  Finally, at 2 a.m., Nicholas decides to get up and go to his own bed, and Danielle can now sleep in peace. For 4 hours.  Then, Nicholas returns.  It is the Danielle-and-Nicholas Rule, after all, that whoever wakes up first on Christmas Day, must go and wake the other up immediately.  So that's what he does (because he is obviously a physco) and the two kids walk cautiously down the stairs and 6 a.m.  They are pleasantly surprised with the sight of LOTS of presents under the tree! (And two strange, lumpy-looking shapes, but that was they're parents dormant bodies, of course)
So they open all sorts of great gifts and and spend the rest of the day enjoying them and cooking and eating!

Here is what I gave to my family:

~A 60 dollar gift certificate to a very fancy restaurant that we have here called Lightfoot for my parents to have a 'romantic' evening together.
~The Despicable Me Blu-ray, DVD and Digital Copy Combo Pack and the Lego Harry Potter Years 1-4 (a.k.a, movies 1-4, for those of you who are Harry Potter challenged) for Wii (Is this endorsement or what?!) for Nick. Cost me a lot of moola. A lot.

That may not seem much to you, but trust me, my wallet was hurtin' after these purchases. I had 12 bucks left afterwards.  Luckily, I received $60 from my Grandmother and Uncle George in Boston, and a $75 dollar check from my Nona (Godmother) in California, so my wallet is very happy now! And my Uncle Bernie (as found in Boston as well.  He's selling fast now folks, so buy up quickly, before the winter season!) gave me a very unique gift that I will not yet mention, but don't fret my darlings, there will be more about that later! Also my Aunt Natalie has sent something in the mail, and my Thia Venetia (Thia=Aunt) sent a very generous donation to the Danielle Foundation when my grandparents were here.  So thank you all very much for thinking of me and for the gift you gave me! I appreciate it very much! Also, I must thank my grandparents in Greece as well, because I would not have been able to buy ANY of those Christmas gifts if it were not for the money they gave me while they were here. So thank you family! Love you all so much!

And of course, thank you to my brother and parents too, for such a wonderful Christmas and for their presents too.  Hope you enjoy yours!

So, with that, I must be off! I have a lot of work to do (the details on that are for another post, another day, try not to get too disappointed) and I am hungry as  What animal can I use that will not be offensive to my calm and exquisite demeanor?

Also, I will be posting a list of all the other gifts I got this year one of these keep an eye out for that, because I know, and you know, that you want to know ;)



Friday, December 24, 2010

Santa...I Am Your Father

In 24 will be Christmas Day.

Merry Christmas Eve...for 24 minutes.

Santa is in Rhode Island, according to the trusty NORAD Santa Tracker...and I'm out dawgs.



Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Unofficial Plans For New Years -_- And a Face That Speaks a Thousand Words

Merry 21st of December everyone! Only four more days until Christmas...and those will most definitely be the longest four days EVER.  And I guarantee that Christmas Day will come and go quicker than any other day in the year, and you'll want to make this face ---->  -_- (Don't you just love that face? It has so many meanings...) But never the less, I am excited!
So, as usual, the Matta family is practicing their home staying skills this Christmas, though I am almost 85% sure that we are doing something for New Years.  At first we were thinking New York City, (which we have been to lots o times) and then we thought Quebec, Canada.  But our hottest option was the Biltmore in North Carolina, which is a really big mansion thingy originally owned by a really rich family called the Vanderbilts.  (Go open up an American history textbook if you don't know that name.  Come on people, that's what we go to school for!)  We wouldn't stay in the Biltmore, but near it, and we would tour it and stuff like that.  Apparently everyone under the good ol' American sun has been to it except for us, so I think it's about time we do that.  Except there are a few complications, such as possibly weather, and the hotel we wanted is booked...that kind of thing.
So I still don't know what the heck we are doing for New Years, but knowing us, it's sure to be full of reflection of the past year and finding our inner serenity that is surely buried deep within us.  'Cause that's just what we do in this family. Oh yeah.
As for Christmas...well, you all will just have to wait four more days, now won't you?  I'll try to blog on Christmas day, though no promises can be made!  Hope everyone has their gifts bought and wrapped and ready to go!

(And in case any of you were wondering, we still have school until Wednesday   -_-. There it is again!  It's just popping up everywhere these days!)

Monday, December 13, 2010

A Bunch of TJ Test Info (Hopefully) For the Last Time and Getting To Know Danielle's Loving Friends

Yello family members. So, this blog feels a little outdated already, which is only because I am forced to talk about the TJ Test and such...since that would only be UNFAIR of me to not tell you about. (When I say you, I pretty much mean my mother, my father and occasionally an uncle here and there.) I'm going to try and make it as short and simple as possible, because I seriously feel like wasting your time writing about Christmas instead of school much more.

Alrighty. Saturday morning, wake up at 6:30 a.m., get ready, eat large breakfast (I can already tell this is going to be a very overly-detailed-"short-and-simple"-typical-Danielle sort of post.) drive to Harper Park Middle School, place of my testing.  Father drops me off, I go in...sign in sort of...go to the classroom I will be taking the test in.  Luck does not fail me and one of my good friends who has also applied is in my room (yay!) though it didn't make much of a difference since we were watched like PRISON INMATES and were not allowed to speak, sniff, or breathe.  This was basically the case for the entire time we were held captive- I mean, waiting inside that room. We were given the test (which had a lock and chain around it...just had an official seal from her Majesty, the Queen) and the rules and stuff were explained.  Two hours to complete a 95 question test, 45 verbal (English) and 50 math (vomit). We could start at any section in the test we liked, we could go back any time during the two hours, and we would be told when half our time was up.  This was all explained very convincingly to us by the nice woman with a whip and nunchucks in her hands. 
My strategy was this: start the math section first. Do as much as I can until half-time...then switch to the verbal section, finish before time is up, and go back and do questions I skipped or wasn't sure about.  This seemed like a good plan to me, since I am a lot stronger in the English department than the math one, and doing the math one first gave me more time and less stress to work on it.

Ha Ha hA.

Let me put this lightly people: I Sucked.  I know that may seem harsh, but honestly, there is no other word for it.   I was in no way prepared for what came once time began.  For starters, in the midst of all the anticipation and anxiety, I started on the verbal section first, instead of the math one, like I had previously planned to.  Halfway through my third question, I realized my mistake, and flipped to the math section.  There I did less than 22 questions until the announcement went up that HALF THE TIME WAS GONE. I can tell you right now, that was the quickest two hours in my entire life, because before I knew it, all the time was up.  I completed the verbal section...except for like, 5 questions, because I was rushing so much to try and get more math questions done I accidentally skipped them.  In the end, I didn't complete 28 questions out of 50 on the math section, because of the time limit. Here was my biggest mistake:
When I thought I knew how to work out a problem, I spent time on it, and sometimes ending up getting an answer that was not one of the choices.  Instead of taking a guess on the closest answer or best estimation, I SKIPPED THE PROBLEM, thinking I would have time at the end to go back and work it out again. But what I DIDN'T think of, was that I had already wasted time on that problem, with no result.  At least if I had guessed, that problem would have been completed and I'd have a 25% chance of getting the answer correct.  Instead, it was left blank, and no credit was received. This was the case for alot of the problems.  It wasn't that they were exceptionally fact, the ones that I did do were pretty was the fact that I made bad testing strategies and needed for time.

Anyway, it was quite stressful, all of it, though I'm very glad it's all done and over with.  I will NEVER apply again, not because I do not wish to redeem myself and try the test again (I definitely would) but I would never do that to me...apply to a different high school while I'm a high schooler in a high school...wait, let me re-phrase that.  I am quite obviously not getting in this year, which of course I am a bit disappointed, but I was a lot worse last week, and now I've come to terms with it. I can't say I'm not a little bit happy to know I will continue going to school with all my friends and classmates.


Which means that I will be attending Tuscorora High School, and other than the friend benefit, it is also a much much much shorter commute, which my parents (and me) like.  But I would never, as a freshman next year, apply again to TJ, just because that would be 100 times harder to switch out of a school that I have already adapted to and began to feel comfortable in.  I know my education is very important, but quite honestly, if I have the ability to get into the university I want to go to when I'm older, I'll be able to do it with or without TJ.  TJ was an opportunity, but not a requirement for me.  Obviously it wasn't meant to be, and that's really ok with me.

And trust me, my friends couldn't have been anymore supportive.

I quote:
"If I'm honest, I was praying you wouldn't get in."
"Not to sound inconsiderate or anything, but I can't say I'm not glad."
"I didn't pray for you at all."
"Huh? You applied to TJ? Who the heck does that?"
"Do I know you?"



Friday, December 3, 2010


3 words.

TJ. Test. Tomorrow.

Ok, technically that's 4 words.

But let's not get technical.

Wish me luck!!!!


Tuesday, November 30, 2010

A Not So Short Post With Good Intentions And Lots of Awards

This is going to be a very short post, on account that it's 8 p.m. and I still have to study for THE TJ Admissions Test, which, by the way, is THIS SATURDAY.

But I have a few things I would, (quickly) like to mention.

One of them being that my grandparents left for Greece yesterday, and arrived safely home.  We really enjoyed having them here at our house and we all hope they come back again soon!!!

Another thing, Nicholas received his very first A's and B's Honor Roll Award Thingy (for those of you who do not know what that is, it's an award that congratulates students who receive all A's and B's (or all A's) on their report card for that semester. Hence the name, A's and B's Honor Roll Award Thingy) and he also was awarded the Cornerstone Award for effort, which is a Cornerstone Award for effort. Kapish?
So Y-A-Y Nicholas! You have also now been awarded the Danielle Thinks You Are Fabulous (No Matter How Annoying) Award!  A prestigious honor only few are lucky enough to receive!

Also, my father is currently in Boston with Those Guys (his family) for the rest of the week, and coming back Friday, just in time for THE TJ Admissions Test.  He, sadly, does not receive the Danielle Thinks Your Fabulous Award.  Or any award for that matter. Except for possibly getting poison ivy.  I'm not sure if there is an award for that.

So, last thing before I go (uh, didn't you say this was going to be short, Danielle? Why yes I did folks. But apparently, I lied.) I just thought that I would give you all a little taste of what kind of questions are going to be on this Admissions Test.  Directly from my practice test I got in TJ prep class, here is one question:

1.  As you walk up a long hill, you pass five different trees.
          1) The first tree is not an aspen.
          2) The last tree is an elm.
          3) The second tree is a sugar maple.
          4) You pass the hickory tree after you have passed the sugar maple, but before you pass the aspen.
          5) You pass the aspen after you have passed the red oak.
    In which position is the aspen?

A. second
B. third
C. fourth
D. fifth
E. Cannot be determined from the information given.

Shall I remind you all, that is is only ONE question out of 45 on the Verbal part of the test.  There is a mathematics part of the test too.  And let me just say, it is MUCH harder than that.  So go ahead and give it your best shot.  Comment your answer, and if you get it correct, you will receive the DTYFAward.  I think you all know what award that is ;)

Anyway everyone, time is ticking, and I must be going.

Oh, last thing.  Promise.  Don't forget that Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows part 2 comes out in July!  Go buy your tickets 8 months before hand!  There you go, Warner Exec and Danny boy!  (If this strange addition was confusing for you, go see the comment made by Anonymous under my H.P and the D.H rant post. Yup.  If you still don't get it, then I can't help you son!)

So adios for now muchachos!  And remember, It's Not Smart, Unless It's K-Mart Smart! (Oh man, I am on a roll with the advertisements!)


P.S.     [*Pwned*]  That was for you dad.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanksgiving! Food!

Side Message: I would just like to congratulate my Uncle George on his successful surgery this past week, and to pass on my love from me and my family over here to him.  I was so happy to hear everything went well and that you're doing fine too.  Congrats Uncle George, and I love you a ton!  Hope to see you soon!

Happy Thanksgiving fam!  If your house is like mine, you'll have people downstairs cooking away like mad so that the food can be on the table in time for lunch! And boy, what's Thanksgiving without food???  You'll also have the TV on in the living room, while The National Dog Show is playing.  Oh yes.  The NATIONAL Dog Show.
And what's on the menu for the Matta's?  Well, I know we will have lots of potatoes...sweet and regular.  I should know, since I butchered the poor darlings with my peeling skills.  We also have some squash cooking, and of course the Big Ol' Turkey.  I believe we also have cranberry jello in the fridge and I know for a fact that we have two delicious homemade pies waiting...calling to me...
So really, just your typical, Thanksgiving meal.  But the difference between my family's Thanksgiving and your family's Thanksgiving, is that I'm pretty sure mine's going to be crazier than yours.  So HA.
I have also been informed that three episodes of the Three Stooges and Mrs. Doubtfire the movie are on the schedule for today. (Jealous???)

All in all, I honestly hope that all of you have a wonderful Thanksgiving today with your family and friends, wherever you may be, and please, on the behalf of all who are sane, (which excludes most of us) eat my friend, eat.  Don't be ashamed to unbutton your pants and untuck your shirt.  Show the world how proud you are to be an American by show casing your Big Ol' Tummy!  Pilgrim pride baby!
And besides, the Turkey wants you to!

Once again, happy Thanksgiving to you all, and enjoy your meal and your company, whoever that may be.  (It won't be the Three Stooges though.  Sorry, they're booked buddy)


P.S. For any of you who were wondering, I believe the Irish Setter and the Boxer won first place medals.  Now we can eat them! Oops, no, no, we don't eat dogs.

mmmmm...Irish Setter....yummmy

Sunday, November 21, 2010

I Think I'm In Love...

If you all recall, yesterday I mentioned at the end of my informational post that I was going to see HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS (part one) which is exactly what me, my dad and my brother did.  And let me just say this right now:

I love the Harry Potter Books.

And I have read them all, and seen all the movies up to date.  The difference is: The movies suck.  I'm sorry, all you Harry Potter Movie Fanatics, they just do.  The special effects are cool, I must admit, but the acting is less than to be desired, and when I say 'acting', I'm really just talking about one particular person's abibilites in that area.

Daniel Radcliff.

Harry Potter, if any of you have read the books, is supposed to be considerate and friendly, a little shy but trustworthy, brave, talented and selfless! (and ok, he has some anger issues...but can you blame him, all considering?)  But Daniel Radcliff represents that as well as a cucumber would.  That's just my opinion, at least.  And having a bad main character/actor really just ruins the movie for me.

But that all changed 19 hours ago.

Please, for the sake of humanity and your soul, go pay money and see Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (part one) !  It was, by far, the best of all the Harry Potter movies, the best reenactment of the book that could possibly have been made in movie form, the best acting I've seen from any of the cast members (excluding Mr. Radpuke) and just in general the GREATEST MOVIE.  Seriously man.  Those words have never been used with 'Harry Potter movie' in the same sentence before.  And if you still don't believe me, go and check my profile and look under Favorite Movies.  Oh yeah, that's right.  Try to disagree with me NOW.

Basic Point: Stop, drop, and roll to your closest movie theatre.  And DON'T see Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps.  No seriously, that's actually a movie playing at Regal Movie Theatres right now.  RESIST THE TEMPTATION.

What are you still doing here? Run boy, run!


And just because this annoys me when people say it, I'm just going to mention that Warner Bros. Pictures HAS paid me to advertise their movie.  Because a famous Production Company seriously knows me personally. Jeez -_-

Saturday, November 20, 2010

A Very LARGE Update and Putting Me Into the Corner

Long time no see everybody!  You know, you guys could make a better effort to write in your blog about current events, instead of writing about it a month and 16 days later!  I mean, can you say slacker? Let's pick up the pace here people!

So a very large apology for the lack of posts lately.  I have been very busy...and stuff.  Which is no excuse, I guess, since the whole point of this blog is to tell you guys WHY I'm busy.  But that's just the way it happened. Sorry!

Since I haven't blogged in a month and 16 days, I thought I should backtrack, and make a quick commentary on all the days I SHOULD have blogged about, but didn't.  So here we go!

October 11: Columbus Day. No school!

October 19:  My grandparents arrive from Greece!  Nick and I are picked up early from school (yeah baby) and greet our European grandparents at the airport.  We drive them home and show them around. Lots of talking and eating and unpacking ensued.

October 22:  TJ application deadline.  But don't worry; I turned mine in weeks earlier.

October 27:  Monthly anniversary for me and my braces! I do love you metal deathtraps glued onto my teeth!

October 30:  Halloween party at my place!  15 kids were invited, 9 could make it, 8 actually came.  None the less, fun party!  Everyone was dressed up, and there was lots of Halloween music, decorations and food for us hoodlums!  The party ended with a bang at 11 o'clock by staring at the ceiling in my room. (Obviously out of exhaustion from my exhilarating and insane party!)

October 31:  Happy Belated Halloween!  Hey dad, let's go follow Nick and his one friend Trick or Treat while I am dressed ridiculously, so that we can reminisce the good ol' days when I used to Trick or Treat, (Last year) whilst freezing our behinds off!  And I WON'T occasionally Trick or Treat, and WON'T hold out my hands instead of a plastic pumpkin, and WON'T get any strange looks from adults handing out candy while they drop a piece or two into my waiting palms.  That's what I WON'T do.

November 1:  Both my grandfather's and my Name Day.  Celebrate all the Danielle/Daniel's of the world!  (I assume you all celebrate this special day in your homes too.)  We all go out and have a Danielle-lisious meal at Not Your Average (Joe's), the bestest restaurant on the east coast.  If you haven't eaten there before or don't like it, you are not a human being and probably live in a cardboard box eating bugs all day and talk to the trees about the stock market.  Oh, and we also have the no school, because of a Teacher Work Day, I believe.

November 2:  Election day!  No school!  Vote on THAT.

November 8:  I Audition for my school's musical, Mulan.  All girls must sing "You'll Bring Honor to Us All" and impress the judges and chorus teacher.  I am a Smarts Mill Middle School Musical Veteran though, so I make the callbacks.

November 10:  I attend a TJ prep class at my school to...well, prep.  For the Thomas Jefferson Admissions Test in 2 FREAKING WEEKS, that is.

November 15:  Callbacks and another TJ prep class.  I sing, "Keep 'Em Guessing", a song for Mushu, little dragon thing, who, yes, is a boy in the movie, but can also be a girl in the play.  We also had to act out a scene from the musical.  Went pretty well.

November 19:  The Mulan Cast list was announced!!!!  One of my good friends got Mulan and another got Mushu.  I got the part of Mulan's Grandmother! Woo! Old lady time! (I still haven't figured out what I might have done at the audition and callbacks to seem like a good person to be the I resemble a senior citizen?)

Anyway, that's as about updated as it gets!!! Must go watch the new HARRY POTTER AND THE DEATHLY HALLOWS. cya!


Saturday, October 9, 2010

SYTYCD Tour 2010, and Some Exclusive Clip Art Pictures!

So everyone, this has been (Surprisingly) quite an exciting week!  And that's all because, me, my mom, my dad, and my brother all went to the...

(And in case you are an alien and never seen So You Think You Can Dance, its an AH-MAZING dance competition on T.V, and every year, after the winner has been selected, the last 7 dancers on the show, and this year, some 'All-Stars' (Previous winners and contestants from previous seasons) have this national tour and they travel all over America and perform some popular and impressive routines from that season and some new dance routines created just for the tour!!!!)

Anyway, before I start describing the AH-MAZING show, let me just tell you guys that this is the first year that my family watches SYTYCD. (So You Think You- yeah ok, you get it) We've been an American Idol and The Biggest Loser family for awhile now, so I guess it was only a matter of time before we got into the dancing reality TV shows as well. I don't exactly remember how we started watching it...did my parents hear about it on the radio, or did we accidentally fall on it while flipping through channels? Either way, we watched a few auditions and some of Hollywood Week (that's actually American Idol, but I can't remember what it's called for SYTYCD :P) and then there was a period where we weren't watching it anymore. In that time, a lot of dancers were eliminated, and by the time we started watching again, the people that were left were the really really good ones.  And let me just say, the dancers this year, were really REALLY good. Like, we're talking practically professional here. Anyway, the show really is great, and I'm really glad we started watching it. So when the show started advertising the Tour, my family was like:

And yes, they did turn green.

and I was like:

This is me peeing on myself, by the way.

So the buying of tickets and driving to Baltimore an hour away last Tuesday night commenced! We ate glorious subway sandwiches while crazies on the street scared the poop out of me, and then we went into the arena called the Marina? (I think that's what it was called...) Anyway, the show was really really cool, and we had great seats. We were on an elevated bleacher type thing, but we were the very second row from the bottom, which meant we could see perfectly, even if we were a bit far back. The lighting and the music and the dances were awesome. It was so cool to see all the contestants you see on TV in person! Unfortunately, as usual, I was CameraWoman, so I might have viewed most of the show through my Kodak screen, but, such are the prices we pay when pictures must be taken. And taken they were! I hope to show them to all of you sometime. Basically, I really enjoyed myself, and the rest of my family did too. I can't wait for next season!

As for the rest of the

Well, I got sick, if that counts.


PS- If you are interested in this year's American SYTYCD, go to , for some interviews with the contestants and pictures and episodes from this season (Which I highly suggest you do, if you would like to see for yourself just how AH-MAZING these dancers are!)

Sunday, October 3, 2010

The TJ Forecast...and lots of Packet Thingys

I forgot to mention in the last post that TJ is like, an hour away from my house, not including traffic, which means by the time we got there it was 11.  (I also said in the last post that the Open House ended at 11. My mistake, it ended at 11:30) So basically we had 30 minutes to 'explore' this massive high school. 
The good thing about being late (there hardly ever IS anything good about it) was that the crowds had left and it was a lot easier to move in and out of classrooms and hallways without having to compete with hundreds of other people.  Now, let me see if I can sum up the Open House, and the whole deal-io about this TJ thing as simply as I can.
"Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology (TJHSST) is a unique Fairfax County public school that provides an innovative, specialized learning environment for highly motivated students who have a genuine interest in biological, physical, mathematical, technological, and computer sciences." That was taken from the Information Packet Book Thingy I got from my guidance counselor on Tuesday.  So Thomas Jefferson is a really academic school for really academic, or 'highly motivated' students.  Therefore, you have to apply and take an admissions test to be accepted into the school, so that not just any kid can get in.  But that doesn't mean they don't try. 3,000 kids apply almost every year, and only 18% of them are accepted.  To be accepted into the Semifinalists, they look at:

~Your grade point average from 7th grade and first and second quarter grades from 8th grade math and science
~Your Admissions Test score

If you are in the Semifinalist group, you are notified in January.  Then you are sent another Application Packet Thingy where you have to get teacher recommendations and complete a Student Information Sheet.  During the first admissions test (which is taken this December) you also have an hour where you have to write 2 essays.  They will evaluate the semifinalist essays at this time too.

Annnnnd then, they let you know if you have actually been accepted into the school in April.  So, why go through allllllll that work if I have a perfectly good high school available for me, no application necessary? Well, for starters, the whole fact that you have to be accepted based on your intelligence and achievements in school makes me think, hey, me intelligent! Me achieve in school! Secondly, this school is also really cool for people who can't stand average public school. (hence, me) TJ offers a 'comprehensive college preparatory program with additional required courses in science, mathematics, and technology." (Translation: umm, I think something to do with preparing you for college. Which is a thumbs up!) it also has "..Integrated and collaborative courses and its thirteen specialized research laboratories" (Translation: The school has specialized research labs. What's not cool about that?) Also, since not any average joe can go to this high school, you would also expect that all those idiots I have to deal with every single day will no longer be a problem. There is more expected of you and you'll probably work a bit harder, but you are also (probably) allowed more independence and trust since you are a 'highly motivated' student!  You also have this thing during 8th period where you can have time for "...Research, study, relaxation, fun with friends, and physical activity." (Translation: I KNOW WHAT I WOULD BE DOING DURING THAT PERIOD! NOT PHYSICAL ACTIVITY, THAT'S FOR SURE!) They have over 150 clubs, and selective courses like, art, journalism, theater arts, photography, creative writing, and graphic arts. (They also have electronics, robotics, prototyping and 25 varsity sports, blah blah) So why not?

Anyway, even after this very positive summary of the school, I still have a few doubts and hesitations about going to the school, but my philosophy is this: I apply and see if I'm accepted.  If I am, great, whoopee.  If I'm not, that's ok, because I will still go to a brand new high school that was just built this year, and all my friends will too. So really, it's a win-win situation. And let's say I start having mental break downs and hallucinations and I become a cannibal, and decide I don't want to go to TJ, even if I'm accepted, than I don't even have to.

So yes. That's all you should ever want to know about Thomas Jefferson, and I will keep you guys posted on the upcoming stuff and Packet Thingys I must endure until the results! Until then...I'm Danielle Matta, on CNN News.

Danielle, news anchor and 'highly motivated' student

PS- Speaking of CNN, did you guys know that most kids don't know who Anderson Cooper is? Who does NOT know who Anderson Cooper is?! I mean, come on people! He is THE CNN Man! Next thing you know, they won't know who Christiane Amanpour is. Kids these days.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

TJ Open House (The One I Haven't Gone To Yet)

So first off, I'd just like to thank my Uncle George and Conor Bandar for helping me out with one of my school projects. I appreciate it. (And I think I got an A! ;)

Secondly, this has to be a very short post, just because technically my family should be in the car right now, but being Our Family, means that we shall always be late no matter what.  The reason for us going out so early on a Saturday morning (its almost 9:30 a.m.) is because we are going to a Thomas Jefferson Science and Technology High School open house, which started at 8:30 and ends at 11 a.m.  Obviously, the reason we are going is because I am/Possibly/Sort-of/Not Really Sure Yet/Want to go and apply to this high school.  Anyway, this is the first time I see this school, so I'm pretty excited. So I should be going!!! I'll post about it later, once I have more information and I've actually visted the school.


Friday, September 17, 2010

School Equation

Two Weeks.  That's how long me and Nick have been going to school.   
Nine.  That's how many classes we have in total. 
Ninety-five minutes.  That's how long each class is. 
Five.  That's how many crazy teachers I have. 
One.  That's how many teachers I actually like. 
Three.  That's how many major projects I have been assigned so far. 
Nine math problems, One civics test to study for, One english worksheet, One French project to complete and Eleven French verbs to practice, Nine guitar songs to perfect, One P.E project to begin, One tutoring announcement to make, One boring book to read.

That's how much homework I have just for this weekend.


That's how much free time I will have.

Enjoy your weekend, lucky people.  You know where I'll be.

Has school started, or what?

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Time To Get the Ball Rolling

First off, let me start by saying Happy September 1st everyone!  It's not quite so happy for many of us, but I do feel like this particular month represents beginnings.  A new school year, a new season, and almost a completely new year.  But September also school supplies and clothes!
With only 6 more days until the first day, we need to be sure we have everything to start a new grade fresh, and that means shopping!  Now, being a girl, I can't say I don't sometimes enjoy getting clothes, and I know some boys and men don't mind it either.  And buying supplies can be a little tedious, but it only takes so much time to buy a couple of pencils and folders.  But there is always one thing, come around every September, that I am forced into doing, which I hate.  My worst enemy.
Shoe shopping.  I can not STAND shoe shopping.  I have two, very difficult, large and wide feet, who enjoy giving me and my mother pains about trying to find something that will fit on them.  And barely anything does.  So basically, my feet live in my Converse, which I have a couple of pairs of.  And that's just fine with me.  I have one pair of heels, just for special occasions.  That's alright too.  So hey, why go shoe shopping if I'm all covered? Oh. But wait. 
Every other stinking year, my sneakers die on me and I hear those dreaded words, "We need to go buy you another pair of tennis shoes," come out of my mom's mouth and I know I'm just doomed.  We'll drive to the mall and search in every shoe store in there, and I'll have to take my shoes off and on, off and on, squeeze my foot in shoe after shoe.  If we can't find anything there, we will have to go to another mall and repeat. 
Whether we find something or not, it is a fact that we will drive home that evening exhausted and wanting to bite each other's heads off.  So I ask, what is the point?  Those older, more dead pair of sneakers may be disgusting and falling apart, but at least we can both be spared the traumatic experience that is sure to follow.

And sneakers are really, really ugly.

Anyway, maybe in the future shoe shopping will be against the law.
Hope everyone is enjoying their last days of summer!

Much Love,

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The S word...

It has started to become that time of August where summer seems to come closer to an end.  In only 14 more days, it will be September, that depressing, sad month where the rest of that summer vacation time flies out the window and suddenly (If your a kid, that is) you're back in school.  The weather will start to get colder, and the days will start to get shorter, and us kids are buried in homework and forced to go to bed earlier.  The only difference this year, is that now, Nicholas, my brother, will be joining me in the wonderful zoo I like to call middle school.  He will be a Smarts Mill Middle School (or SMMS) 6th grader, and I, will be an 8th grader, which is nothing to party about, since for the first time have mid-finals and exams and SOLs to look forward to.  (More information on that later, when the time comes.  Let's not focus on the bad things) But, for now, we still have about 3 more weeks before we have to start worrying about the 'S' word.  Which is great, but that time is going to go fast.  So for all you adults reading this, enjoy the rest of your school-free-life.  You have your job to dread.  And for all you kids...good luck for this new school year.  You will need it, I'm sure.
Another piece of news is that on Friday, one of my dad's old co-worker from Athens, Iro Alykafora, and her boyfriend, Stavros, are coming to stay with us for the weekend.  Last Friday they flew from Athens to New York City, which is where they are now at the moment.  This is their first time traveling to America, so naturally we will be showing them around the Capitol as well.  They want to see some monuments and museums while in D.C, and from there we will see what else we will do with the Greek folk!  I will post what happens during our Washington D.C. Adventure, but for now, the basement needs vacuming.

Danielle, Future 8th Grader and Optimist About Education

Monday, August 16, 2010

What'sa Matta?

Our family really isn't that big.  It's just me, my brother and my parents.  But our extended family is much, much bigger.  And, on top of that, we are spread out all over the world.  And with such long distances, and so many people to keep up with, connections with other family members are severed, and sometimes even lost.  Life is so busy these days, and expenses are so huge, that soon the phone calls and the letters and packages decrease until your completely cut off from your own family! But it doesn't necessarily have to be that way anymore.  The Matta Connection is MY way of staying in touch with my family, no matter where they live or how often I see them.  If you want to mend those severed family relationships, then stay tuned to The Matta Connection.  It's your ONLY direct line to all things Matta.

Much love,